BPP won the double award of Best Higher Education Provider and Best Professional Education Provider for 2013

We are delighted to inform you that at last night’s awards ceremony in Park Lane, London, BPP won the double award of Best Higher Education Provider and Best Professional Education Provider for 2013. The judging panel comprised of the Confederation of British Industry, Universities UK, the Department of Education and a number of business leaders in education businesses. The shortlist comprised of the London School of Business & Finance, the Open University, the University of Law (formerly known as the College of Law) and Regent’s University, London.

The judging panel said that we won for: gaining University title and successful reviews from QAA, for designing an innovative professional training programme for KPMG which spans both higher and professional education, for breaking into new areas of professional education such as Nursing and Dentistry, for increasing the number of exclusive clients in the Law School, for the provision of careers advice leading to outstanding employability rates, to serving our communities with award winning pro bono provision, to extending opportunities through our work in the School of Foundation & English Language Studies & through Professional Apprenticeships,  and being a beacon of excellence for the UK around the world in the work undertaken by Learning Media and our International teams.