Change to BPP* book titles but content and formats remain the same

With immediate effect new study books from BPP will be renamed:

Workbook Course Book
Practice and Revision Kit Exam Practice Kit


But rest assured they have the same loved and trusted content and come in the same formats as follows:

  • Hard copy books
  • Interactive annotatable e-versions

If you book on one of our courses with electronic content support, you get BOTH hard copy and e-versions of both books.

The e-versions have added interactivity so you can search a relevant term or do questions, see the answer and explanation with one click and then erase your answer for a fresh attempt later. No more thumb in the back of the book!

For higher papers you can work questions directly in a blank workspace which simulates the ACCA exam environment and practise how you will use the spreadsheet or word-processor functionality to maximise your exam score.  You can then save your work as a pdf for self-marking and revision.

*BPP is an ‘Accredited Learning Partner’